Deep Cleaning

Every hotel has a housekeeping staff to clean hotel rooms and keep them in pristine condition to preserve the hotel’s quality and reviews.

Depending on the usage and floor space of the rooms, deep cleaning hotel rooms might take a whole day. This is because deep cleaning is not a one-time, quick-fix solution that can be applied to just one part of the hotel; it is a continuous process that must be considered at all consumer touchpoints across the property.

Hoteliers may guarantee that they are continually working hard to satisfy guest expectations by proactively identifying places in the hotel that may require extensive cleaning.

The following areas require special attention when it comes to deep cleaning hotel rooms:

1) Beds

This is the first aspect of cleanliness that a guest is likely to pay attention to in a hotel. An unkempt, filthy hotel bed can draw the ire of the guest and damage your hotel’s reputation. It is thus essential to change the sheets and pillow covers ideally every time a guest checks out and have them laundered using the best cleaning solutions. Additionally, the mattress should be vacuumed and disinfected, and pillows must be washed every few months.

2) Floors

We can provide tools to keep hotel room floors clean and suites pristine with a wide array of products. Hotel floors have the maximum use in any room, so scheduling timetables to ensure regular deep cleaning is essential. For best results, hotels can team up with Cleanios Corporation to set up cleaning strategies for floor and carpet care.

3) Wallcoverings and Windows

Clean hotel rooms require regular deep cleaning of windows and other touchpoints. The walls and window coverings are hotspots for dirt and grime. Additionally, the drapes and blinds must be washed and changed regularly. 

4) Light and Fan Fittings

Lights are a hotbed for fleas and other insects, while fans gather a lot of dust if left uncleaned. Therefore it is vital to clean and disinfect these fittings in a room so guests can make the most of the appliances and are not subjected to any allergies or infections.

5) Doors

This marks the entry of the guest into the room. Deep cleaning hotel rooms must begin with a thorough cleanse of the door and regular disinfection of handles and other touchpoints. The products at Cleanios Corporation, including disinfectants and sanitizers, ensure that all fungi, bacteria and viruses are eliminated from such surfaces.

6) Bathrooms

The bathroom is a hotspot for germs and must thus be on a priority list for deep cleaning. Cleanios Corporation provides the best sanitization and disinfection products, including glass and mirror cleaners, to ensure the highest hygiene standards.

Hotel managers must evaluate the cleaning program regularly to verify that each cleaning phase surpasses their customers’ expectations.

By grasping the underlying meaning and need for deep cleaning, hotels can show their commitment to offering excellent guest satisfaction, which will boost their business while also giving them a competitive advantage. And for the best cleaning solutions, Cleanios Corporation is your answer. With over three decades of experience, we provide individualized end-to-end automated chemical solutions for all kinds of hotels.


Chateau louis Hotel and Conference Centre · September 20, 2022 at 9:05 AM

We have been using you products for all our Hotel Rooms, Laundry and Public Areas as well at Conference Centre Laundry, Kitchen and Public areas. Being Housekeeper Executive dealing with all these areas I acknowledge a big improvement in Freshness and cleanliness through out. Being able to provide all this to our Guest with confidence has been my major objective and know that it has been obtained with the help of Cleanios products. Great Products and Service. Thank you Cleanios Team with all you help! Louisa

    admin · September 20, 2022 at 10:13 AM

    Hello Louisa

    Thank you so much for the Feedback; it’s been a pleasure to work with you and the team.

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